Earlier this month I had opportunity to take an amazing Tony Robbins' DWD course at the Marriott Desert Ridge Resort in Phoenix AZ.
First, let me say DWD was the most dynamic course I have ever taken and would highly recommend it. It is an inspiring way to get one's life in focus. http://www.tonyrobbins.com/
Secondly, what an incredible reminder of the small world it is. While standing near the front with a new friend, an investment banker from Chicago, there was a tap on my shoulder. "Are you from Canada" was the question. It turns out, Dr. Russ Irwin, now a psychiatrist and professor at McMaster University Medical School was in my paramedic class in Niagara College many years ago. It had been more than 25 years since we had last been in touch.
And third, with 2000 people from 49 different countries it was an opportunity to meet many new friends, one of whom is Rodney.
Dr. Rodney Payton OBE (Order of the British Empire) has a Masters in Education, a Law Degree and is a highly decorated consultative surgeon, author and speaker. One of Rodney's specialties is in the motivation, training and appraisal of medical staff. His books include "Best Practices in Surgical Education", "Appraisal and Assessment in Medical Practice", and "Teaching & Learning in Medical Practice".