Although we receive many comments of appreciation for our projects we normally don't post them (maybe we should). The letter below, however, demonstrates the importance of churches being prepared.
Following recent incidents in the USA of shootings in churches, we were contacted by the Royal Oak (Michigan) Church of Christ (500+ members) to put together an emergency plan. Emergency plans in churches should at a minimum include: fire, severe weather, security (violence & child protection), medical emergencies, and crisis communications.
Emergency plans for churches need to be straight forward and easy to use, but most of all, they need to be PRACTICED.
August 22, 2009
Emergency Management & Training, Inc.
65 Cedar Pointe Dr.
Barrie ON L4N0Y9 Canada
To Darryl Culley:
On behalf of the Royal Oak church of Christ, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to you and your staff at Emergency Management & Training. The emergency and disaster recovery plans that you prepared for our church is outstanding and addressed every need from lock down procedures to basic traffic flow. We have already started implementing the specifics steps outlined in the documents and have experienced positive feed back from everyone involved.
It would not be prudent on our part if we didn’t do everything possible to provide a safe and healthy environment as we service our community in Royal Oak. We have truly benefited from your company’s expertise and knowledge. We appreciate the professionalism and the true caring that you displayed in working with us to develop these plans. We would not hesitate to recommend you and your company to anyone who might be considering your services.
Ken Jamison, Deacon – Special Projects
Royal Oak church of Christ
Ken Jamison, Deacon – Special Projects
Royal Oak church of Christ