On the first day of the Olympic Torch Run hundreds of protesters in Victoria BC disrupted the planned run and celebrations.
The Canadian Press reported protesters representing a variety of causes were there, from environmentalists to anti-war demonstrators to native-rights advocates.
Several anti-Olympics groups have sprouted up as the Games approach, promising to protest not just the torch relay but the Games themselves. The Olympic Resistance Network has sent out a call for activists across the country to use the relay to protest the Winter Games or other issues.
While the protest was generally peaceful protesters used marbles to put police horses, which were present to monitor the crowd, at risk of injury by falling.
Some activists have said they were inspired by the protests along the international torch relay ahead of last year's Beijing Olympics, primarily targeting China's human rights record. Those demonstrations showed the torch presents a useful podium for getting a message out to the world.
For the full story from the Canadian Press go to: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/091031/national/oly2010_torch_protests
While we hope that the Olympic Torch Run is seen as a celebration as it crosses our great country, communities where it is passing need to be prepared for the protests that may accompany it.