"Day to day, the tentacles of global capitalism threaten to choke the life from us, and opportunities to attack its nucleus rarely present themselves. Rest assured that when the G20 comes within striking distance this June, we won’t miss."
The above quote is from an anarchist website promoting protests in Toronto this June.
Major meetings of global leaders also bring protesters of many different causes, most peacef
ul but others intent on creating confrontation. A movement of protesters referred to as the Black Bloc has appeared at major events including previous G8 and G20 meetings and the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, dressed in black with their faces covered. (The photos attached are from the Vancouver Olympics earlier this year.)
Black Bloc is not a group, but a method of protest. Internet website provide instructions for Black Bloc protesters including: clothing recommendations to participate in the Black Bloc, “unarresting” or freeing someone who has been arrested, “de-bloc’ing” (tactics to change appearance and fade into the background), defeating police tactics, defensive weapons, etc. Instructions on attacks of police lines, counter-attacks, diversionary moves, flanking, creating barricades to stop police (including burning vehicles), and other tactics are also on these websites.
While, confrontational groups make up a small percentage of the 40,000 anticipated protesters, that still leaves a significant potential for violence, vandalism, and crowd management issues.
And don't expect it to be a one day event. One website states "We strongly encourage all those who would fight alongside us to also support the other actions called for from the 21st through the 27th."
It may be a long hot week in June...
The above quote is from an anarchist website promoting protests in Toronto this June.
Major meetings of global leaders also bring protesters of many different causes, most peacef

Black Bloc is not a group, but a method of protest. Internet website provide instructions for Black Bloc protesters including: clothing recommendations to participate in the Black Bloc, “unarresting” or freeing someone who has been arrested, “de-bloc’ing” (tactics to change appearance and fade into the background), defeating police tactics, defensive weapons, etc. Instructions on attacks of police lines, counter-attacks, diversionary moves, flanking, creating barricades to stop police (including burning vehicles), and other tactics are also on these websites.
While, confrontational groups make up a small percentage of the 40,000 anticipated protesters, that still leaves a significant potential for violence, vandalism, and crowd management issues.
And don't expect it to be a one day event. One website states "We strongly encourage all those who would fight alongside us to also support the other actions called for from the 21st through the 27th."
It may be a long hot week in June...