Thursday, February 24, 2011

Emergency Management Seminar for Places of Worship

Join us for a one day seminar designed specifically for church organizations.

Emergency Procedures:
- Severe storms, aggressive persons, fire, suspicious packages, etc. - Safe Children Policies
- Security practices

Who should attend: Pastors, Ministers, Clergy, Elders, Deacons, Program Directors, Board Members, and those responsible for congregational safety.

Registration: 9:00 am
Seminar: 9:30 – 4:00 pm

Seminar Locations:
Hamilton / Niagara – March 26
Barrie - April 9
Mississauga – April 30

Participants will receive a workbook with draft procedures and policies. Registration only $119.
Register early and SAVE $30.
Early bird registration is ONLY $89 (+ HST).

Seating is limited. Register today!

For more information or to register online for this seminar go to:

An early promotional video

This is an early promotional video for Emergency Management & Training Inc.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Middle East Turmoil

While tensions in Egypt have dramatically reduced following Mubarak's resignation, tensions in other middle eastern countries continue to boil.

In Yemen protesters were attacked by knife weilding mobs. In Iran the religious dictators have blocked the internet and warned force will be used against any anti-government protesters. In Jordan, tribal leaders are protesting the rule of the King and Queen. Protests continue in Tunisia.

The world continues to watch the unrest.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Too little too late

A nursing home resident in Windsor wanders off and dies in the middle of the night. The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care orders an alarm system be installed. The question we have is, why wasn't there an alarm system in the first place?

Every Long Term Care facility in the province has a fire alarm, fire procedures and at least one fire drill per month per shift (meaning most facilities have 3 drills a month). Why? It is legislated.

Wandering residents are one of the highest risks that Long Term Care facilities face. So why are there not alarm systems, procedures and drills? Well, many facilities do. Unfortunately there are a few that still do not.

Here is an article on the Windsor fatality.