Having returned from a successful Huntsville G8 assignment, it is disappointing to see the violence caused by a group of criminals posing as protesters at the Toronto G20.
In a blog posting (May 1, 2010) we spoke about some of the planning and tactics being undertaken by Black Bloc organizers. Unfortunately, many media reporters are acting like the actions of these criminals is a total surprise. And of course, the sensationalism of some media outlets makes it appear that the entire city is under siege. While some incidents escallated quickly it was contained to a small section of a very large city.
From our perspective we would like to congratulate the police on their restraint and professional handling of situations that have the potential to be very dangerous. Over the next few days many analysts, including the media, governments and those within the police services, will review and re-review the occurrences in Toronto over the past couple of days.
The Huntsville G8 operation was extremely impressive. The level of detail and size of the operation took many months of inter-agency planning and coordination. I'm sure the logistics for Toronto were equally daunting. Well done to all those involved.